What Sets Ellsworth Law Apart?

Ellsworth Law, LLC was established to focus solely on your legal planning issues and is committed to providing clients comprehensive, sophisticated legal planning that results in peace of mind.
Ellsworth Law, LLC only represents private clients with respect to their trusts, estates, and business planning. This differentiates Ellsworth Law, LLC as many law firms offer planning services as an additional service outside their primary practice area.
Fees are another differentiator at Ellsworth Law, LLC. To the extent possible, Ellsworth Law, LLC prefers to invoice planning services on a flat fee basis established with you at the beginning of the project. Anyone that has worked with a lawyer on an hourly fee model knows that billing surprises often occur. We are highly experienced in all planning areas and can confidently set flat fees following a consultation so that you have the comfort that we can correspond appropriately to create the planning that you desire.
Chicago-Area Law Firm for Sophisticated Estate Planning Serving Illinois and Florida
Ellsworth Law, LLC proudly serves Illinois and Florida clients from its office located in Hinsdale, Illinois. To schedule a free consultation, please contact us.
Let's Work Together
Call 630-873-2090 to get a free case evaluation.
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