DuPage County Estate Planning Attorney Serving Illinois and Florida

At Ellsworth Law, LLC, our goal is to give you peace of mind knowing that your estate plan is strong, clear, and enforceable. We build plans to make sure that all your bases are covered. The backbone of a complete estate plan consists of a last will, a revocable trust, a medical power of attorney, and a durable property power of attorney.
Your estate plan is about more than just who receives your wealth. A comprehensive estate plan will ensure that all of the following are addressed:
- Your minor children, if any, will be cared for by the persons of your choosing and the determination will not be made by a judge;
- You have the correct persons in place to act for you to make decisions ranging from medical and financial affairs, to business decisions.
- Your documents effectively plan for current estate and income tax laws to minimize dollars allocated to the government.
- You provide for beneficiaries, including charities, in the manner and at the time that you deem fit.
- You provide asset protection for beneficiaries.
Trust Attorneys for Illinois and Florida
Ellsworth Law, LLC is experienced in creating strong and effective estate plans. We have been preparing plans for clients for over fifteen years. Contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation. Ellsworth Law, LLC serves clients primarily throughout Cook, DuPage, Lee, Collier, and Miami-Dade Counties.
Let's Work Together
Call 630-873-2090 to get a free case evaluation.
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